Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Will-isms for the 21st Century

These days we alternate between being really pissed at Will for many things, or falling down laughing when he says something so funny -- or true.

On eating only the frosting off Nina's birthday cupcake:

"I like the cup, but not the cake."

On why Macktiti (Will's imaginary friend; the name is no joke), can't come over to our house to play. I asked if he was sick:

"No Mom, Macktiti's not coming because he's not real...."

At any time of day, whenever the mood strikes him:

"She's real fine, my 409... Vrrooom vroom!"

Correcting me on why the sky is getting dark but it's not nighttime:

"No Mom, the sun is UNDER the cloud, not behind it."

On why our cat Mouse walks around meowing annoyingly for hours. Roosevelt is Mouse's late brother:

"Mouse misses Roosevelt cause he's dead."

At the dinner table:

"Couscous is a form of rice."

In the morning, before we have a chance to take off his overnight diaper and change him into underwear:

"I gotta go potty!!!!! Uh, nope. Just went in my pants."

The intro lines to The Beach Boys' 409. That should be dimes:

"Gonna save my pennies, gonna save my nimes....."

After the first Asanimals yoga class for 2-3 year olds, with Mom:

"Next time I'll come to yoga, and you and Dad can stay home."

When Will wants to do something and Ian keeps getting in the way. The "cage" is the pack n' play:

"Put Ian in his cage, Mom."


  1. These are hilarious!~!!!!!!! We miss you guys so much! What are your plans for the summer? Will you guys be in VA at all? Maybe we can coordinate?

  2. Maybe he should should write a blog too.

  3. @Mike and Meg -- We miss you guys too! Not sure what our plans for the summer are, but I'm likely going to have more "free time" to work with. I'll email you more!

  4. These are so cute! It's great to have them written down so you don't forget them!
