Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Snacktime is the new happy hour

Is there really anything better than the eerie quiet that descends on two children as they stuff themselves full of snack? I don't think so. It's not surprising to me that my boys are, how do you say?, a little bit cranky when their blood sugar levels are low. For Ian, it's a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation. Very similar to his dad. With Will, it's more a slow and steady decline into LOSING IT -- quite like me. I can get too busy to stop and eat, but never, ever think that means I have FORGOTTEN to eat.
So imagine my surprise to find the boys calmly sitting together at their small table, eating snack and looking all around happy. No kicking, pushing, screaming. Too busy with full mouths to make much noise, I assume. It was blissful, this coming together to break bread -- or cheese sticks or whatever.
And to see Ian sitting there like such a big boy in his little chair? Well really, it almost made me tear up a little. And then I smiled and laughed. 'Cause they're just so darn cute when they're not being annoying brats.
Peace and snacktime to you.


  1. I love your blog! You should be a writer.


  2. Thanks, Dad! You really think so? I need comments like this some days. Ok, maybe most days... Glad you enjoyed, and love you.

  3. I'm serious. I think you have the talent and, more importantly, the insight.
