Friday, November 30, 2007

Our Baby's All Grows Up and Grows Up...

We finally made it to Will's big 1 year appointment yesterday after putting it off because of a cold and other stuff. Here are the stats (for those who are mathematically inclined):

Head circumference = HUGE!! (no really, maybe like 46 cm I think. I didn't write it down..)
Height = 30 1/4 inches (about 25th percentile)
Weight = 22 lbs., 7 oz. (about 50th percentile)
Development = Two bottom front teeth are IN, two top front teeth are coming. He's been crawling for a bit, but is moving on to pulling himself up and walking with support (from a push toy or Mom and Dad). Loves to say "uh-oh", clap his hands, and make silly adults dance when he pushes buttons on all his toys that play music... Says mama and dada, and babbles in his own language a lot. Likes to open and flip through any book he gets his hands on. Oh yeah, and he's definitely heading into toddlerhood with a bang, temper tantrums and all. I wonder where he got that temper from????

Anyway, the other good news is that his chest is clear (for those who know about our issues with his periodic wheezing when he gets colds). He seems to be doing well on his new meds, but the doc wants us to hold off on bringing the cats back until it's been a year. Yes - another said tale. The Twins are living with Grandma and Grandpa Thompson in Penn Yan while we wait and see how Will's "asthma" turns out. We miss them, but at least we know they're in good hands and we can visit them!

Heading into the holiday season we all feel very lucky to have made it this far. Besides being the hardest thing I've ever done, this motherhood thing is probably one of the most rewarding. Hopefully more posts to come soon since I finally can remember my login and password!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We're in for it now!

Still no pictures up -- but I promise some to come soon. In the meantime, here's the link again to our Picasa site:

A quick update on the boy. HE IS WALKING! Okay, not quite. But it feels almost that dramatic. About a week ago ( I swear), he really got into pulling himself up on everything. One week at Grandma and Grandpa Scheuer's for Thanksgiving, and now he can hold your hands and walk across the room. He's gotten so good now that he can grab the back of his little Tonka truck and walk himself around. No Mario Andretti here. Not so good at the corners or turns, but off and running.

We are in BIG trouble now.... Hard to think that one year ago today I was probably balled up in a corner somewhere obsessing over the color and number of poops Will had that day! Pretty funny stuff, this parenthood thing.