Friday, May 23, 2008

A word a day keeps the doctor away.

Another update on Will, since he's just hit the 18 month mark. He visited the doctor last week and was deemed "okay" for his age, but the doctor was a little concerned about his height progress. Apparently, not continuing along the normal growth curve several visits in a row is some cause for concern... Looks like Will has landed at the very bottom (3%) of the height curve for his age, but is still at the 20-25th percentile for weight (so he's not malnourished...duh). I'm not too worried, since accurate height measurements right now are virtually impossible (the kid squirms and screams like he's on death row when he's at the doctor). And, worse case scenario, he could always aspire to being a famous jockey!

Onto words. It seems like Will comes out with something new every day. Here are some of the most recent: baby, apple, pear, banana (said "anana"), teeth (said "teefs"), big ball (I think, or maybe basketball?). If he's really coerced, he may say "milk" or "more." We're trying to get him to start asking for things he wants with words, but most of the time he resorts to the tried and true -- screaming for it.

The funniest thing is how he now tells us he's ready to go to bed during his nighttime routine. We'll be reading a story, waiting for the "sign" (rubbing eyes, yawning), and then Will gets up, walks over to his crib, and starts telling us "bye bye!" Guess that's a hint... So, we're on our way to communicating.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Oh S**t!

New word of the day. I said this (accidentally, of course) when I fell off a step on our back porch in front of Will. Needless to say, he's good at mimicking...

Oh yeah, and another new favorite -- Pee! Maybe it's a parent thing, but the fact that he says this when he's 1) about to pee or 2) actually peeing (usually on the floor after his bath and before the diaper is on) is just so darn cute. My little boy's all grows up...

Saturday, May 03, 2008

3 Months in Pictures

I finally downloaded the pictures off our camera, so thought I'd post a few from the past 3 months (15-18 mos). Will still enjoys being the sole subject of our photos, and loves to ham it up!

Friday, May 02, 2008


Just a quick update on Will's progress on the talking front. These last few days have been crazy -- so many new words, and they come out so fully formed!

  1. Ball -- This is now a favorite. Will has like 5 balls, of varying sizes, but his favorite by far is the adult sized basketball. It lives in the house now...
  2. Bear -- Will inherited my stuffed childhood companion, know simply as Bear. She was a she when I had her, but now she's a he (go figure). Will has taken to Bear quite a bit lately, and started saying his name this week. Sounds a lot like "bar" though.
  3. Bye -- Will has been saying "hi" for a while now, and this week he finally got the hang of "bye." But not just bye, it's "buh-bye." Of course.
  4. Hot -- The oven is hot, pans are hot, empty pots are hot, the dishwasher is hot, food on his plate is hot. But does that mean he won't touch it? Nah!! Of course not!
  5. Wow/whoa -- We say this a lot when Will does cool things (or things we think are cool). We'll say it, then he'll mimic. And sometimes, he'll say this by himself when he's playing with something he likes.
We promise pictures to come soon. We have lots in the camera, they just need to come out.