Friday, February 02, 2007

Second Time a Charm

Well -- it may not be just a fluke! Will slept really well again last night, going to bed at 10:30-ish and sleeping until 5:30 AM. Not exactly like yesterday, but we'll take it. It also seems like he's going longer between feedings during the day and taking two good naps per day (one in the morning and one in the early evening). For a little guy born 3 weeks early, he's catching up fast. Hopefully the trend continues....

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Oh, Happy Day!

They said it would get easier -- and I think we've hit a milestone in that direction. Will slept through the night last night! None of that 5 hour crap -- he was out for 8 (guess he is his father's son). We put him down around 11 pm (ok -- in his magic car seat in the crib, since he was WIDE awake for some reason and that car seat has magical powers to get him comfy) and we practically had to wake him up at 7 AM. I heard him a few times making some noises around 3:30 AM, but was amazed when he never actually woke up. It was a Hallellula moment when we brought him into our room at 7 and he woke up all smiles with two (relatively) well-rested parents. We aren't getting our hopes up yet that this is the beginning of a trend, but at least it's a start.

William is 12 weeks old tomorrow, and I guess he decided he's a big boy now. Also, he's started to really interact with us -- smiling, cooing, and laughing. He's also become more attached to Mommy, getting bored and cranky when he's been playing quietly by himself on the play mat and I'm trying to get dishes washed, etc. Of course this doesn't make my transition back to work any easier, but then again, I didn't really think it would be easy to begin with...

We do have some new pictures but they're not posted yet. We hope to get more up soon for everyone's viewing pleasure.