Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Perfect Storm

It's the first time I've sat down since I got home from work around 5 today. It feels so good to sit down, to stop moving, that I never want to get up... Tell me why the stars have aligned to create the perfect storm every night now when it's bedtime for the boys?

Post-bath, pre-PJs, Will runs around like a screaming banshee, in some sort of hyper-speed mode where he does everything FAST. Isn't he supposed to be tired after a long day of playing and a slowly shrinking afternoon nap?

And then the potty. His last ditch effort to stay up later is to use the bathroom. What do I say? "Just go in your diaper, OK??!" Don't think that's pediatrician recommended at this stage of potty training... And the talking, and singing, and all-around annoying noise making. It wouldn't be a huge deal if he didn't share a room with Ian. But all that noise sometimes wakes Ian, and then it's trouble with a capital T in the Thompson household.

Ian is now old enough to protest going to bed, and protest he doth. Whatever the doc says about his weight, his lungs are certainly healthy. And if Will is up making noise, little bro wants in on the action.

So, I sit here, praying the silence lasts so I can read a few more chapters from last month's book club selection. That is, if I can keep my eyes open long enough...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sleep Deprived

It's really wonderful how becoming a parent allows one to see and do things that you just wouldn't get a chance to otherwise. Like, for instance, watching your 10 month old's head loll dangerously forward, and sideways, as he falls dead sleep while feeding himself at the table at 5:45 PM. Seriously. In mid-mouthful.

The backstory is that the little guy took one nap at school (earlier than normal), and of course, didn't get in the afternoon one he really needed. Just too busy.
Black bean and cheese quesadillas* (homemade) = $5?
Avocado = $3 (whoa!)
Baby falling asleep with eyes rolling back into his head like a doll's? = Priceless

(I apologize to Mastercard's marketing peeps...)

* Black Bean & Cheddar Quesadillas your toddler will eat

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 block shredded cheddar cheese (~2 cups or so)
3 green onions, sliced small
3-4 sprigs cilantro, chopped
10 inch flour tortillas
Combine cheese, black beans, onions and cilantro. Spread some of mixture on one side of tortilla. Fold in half like a book. Do same with another tortilla. Heat some veggie oil in large pan (non-stick is OK). Add folded quesadillas, and cook several minutes on each side until cheese is melted and tortillas are light brown and crispy. Serve with salsa and sour cream. You can skip the onions and cilantro if the wee one is grossed out by all things green. Add corn if you want, or whatever floats your boat. This is the ONE meal that the 3 year old will always eat.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pot Roast Fantasia

Mmmm, the smell of pot roast slow cooking in the oven is wafting over me. I can't wait until dinner. I'm owning up to it now -- I've never actually made pot roast myself. I know, how can that be? It's so darn easy. Oh well, better late than never.

How many guesses to who will NOT savor my pot roast tonight? Yup, the "I-don't-like-that-what's-that-smell-ewwww-I-want-icecream-peanutbutterandjelly" child, our first-born. And he was such a good little eater at first. Sigh...

This is more along the lines of what Will likes to eat for dinner, or any meal (that's a good 'ole Girl Scout Tag-along cookie -- I don't care what silly politically correct name they're calling it now. I love my Tag-alongs.):

PS -- The pot roast was awesome! I was practically licking my plate... And I actually followed a recipe to the letter this time ( I know, shocking. This site is becoming my go-to place for normal, home-cooked, time-tested recipes. Oh yeah, and Will didn't touch it. Okay, he did eat the egg noodles and a few carrots...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Has it really been almost 2 years...?

Well, for those of you following our blog (ha ha), I guess the past year or so has been kinda boring. No new posts. No new pictures. Did we retire, move to Guam, go off the grid?

Nope, we just had a second child (Ian, born March 20, 2009), I started a new job, Christian deepened his growing obsession with golf, and Will entered his third year. Heaven help us. The "terrible twos" got nothin' on this...

I, on the other hand, marvel at my ever diminishing lack of "me time," even for the most mundane tasks like reading books for book club, washing my hair and brushing my teeth thoroughly. Yes, in my 33rd year I was informed I had my first cavity. What the...?! More than anything, that damn cavity has me contemplating my mortality and thinking I better get it into gear or else I'm gonna fall apart by age 40.

So in honor of new years and resolutions and starting on a fresh foot -- I am making a pact with myself to blog at least once a week (and floss every night no matter how tired I am). Writing has withered in the my closet of "things I dreamed of doing" for a long time now. I figure it can't be that hard. You just do it. Right?

And I promise not to write exclusively about babies, preschoolers, teething and potty training. Speaking of ... we posted some new pics on Picasa. Happy new year, and there's more to come.