Monday, October 22, 2007

Movin' and Groovin'

Well, almost..... Will has finally figured out how to crawl. Last week he graduated from rolling and slithering, to something that looks like a crab walk with a dead leg!

He sort of pushes off with his left leg straightened, while he's up on his knees of the other leg. I'll try to get an action shot one of these days. And now that he's on the move, we're scrambling to buy gates and other safety stuff before he gets too mobile. A blessing and a curse for this age. He's already taken a few face plants and head bumps with the crawling experiment. Lucky for us he has a strong noggin!

I guess there's no stopping him now...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Where does the time go?

Can 5 months really go by that fast? Apparently so. Our attempts at blogging have been weak, but we do take pictures of Will that get posted on Picasa. But -- are you itching for more details? Hopefully I can provide a few.

First the numbers. Will is a little over 11 months, about 22 pounds, with his first tooth just peeking through. He's not crawling yet, but he's trying (see pic below). He loves sharp cheddar, veggie burgers, and mac and cheese. He says "mamamamam" and "dadadad", and is babbling up a storm these days. He's also discovered his tongue, and does a mean Gene Simmons (from KISS) impression. Check out his other favorite passtime: playing with his food!

We had a fun summer. Visited my parents in DC, went to the pool (Sun's out, Guns Out!), the beach on Long Island, and spent a little time in TBurg at the annual Fair and hanging in our "backyard pool" with Will's buddies Nate and Finn.

As for us (i.e. the parents), things have finally moved along with the winery. We're now proud owners of 11 acres of land on the west side of Seneca Lake! Not planning to plant grapes anytime soon, but will get the land prepped for it over the next few years. Maybe we'll be selling our wine in '09 if all goes well. Winery name suggestions are welcome!