Saturday, June 28, 2008

4 Months in Review

Wow -- its amazing how time flies, and how many pictures you can accumulate on your digital camera before you have time to upload them. Although this blog has been pretty quiet since March (arggh!), we have been taking pics of Will in his various surroundings, and making mental notes about developmental milestones that have happened.

For the full monty, check out all our recent pictures (March-June 2008) posted in our Picasa gallery:

As for milestones, here are a few: Will is still holding steady at around 24 pounds, and just made the lowest percentile on the height curve for his age. The doc doesnt seem worried, since his weight is still a higher % than his height. The walking is pretty much all running these days, and Will loves ANY kind of ball -- basketballs, baseballs, and tennis balls being faves.

The talking is amazing -- Will now says (what we call) full sentences! Things like "Daddy mow," "my milk," "Mommy's shoe," and "big rock." It seems like he's saying a new word every day these days... The sleeping and eating are back on track. No more 5:30 AM wake up calls, and he actually ate like two dinners tonight. Very funny.

The highlights of the past few months were getting together with The Gretos and Capone-Barrett's for UVa reunions (10 years - we are OLD) -- even though it was god awful hot that weekend and Jenny was 35+ weeks pregnant! Will had a grand old time showing off, and we think he gave Joseph some added incentive to start walking. Two Theta Delts in the making... Then we had some fun times at the lake with Nina and Pop Pop (the Thompsons), playing outside with MacBeth, putting in our veggie garden (by hand) with a little help from Will. Grandma Kate also came to visit in March (for a week), and a quick visit on Mem Day weekend. We almost missed the TBurg parade (you'd think we'd know which street it's on after 3 years).

All in all, time is flying and we can't believe mid-summer is already upon us! Stay tuned for more info on the winery, since things are finally progressing.