Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The 6 Month Update

We're working on uploading more recent pictures, but for now here are a few from his 4-5 month stage. First, Will doing what he does best -- sacking out on my shoulder after nursing (note contented open mouth breathing). Next (for mature audiences only), Will in his too-cute Frog bathrobe after a bath. As Kenneth from 30 Rock would say, "My! What a short robe!" Perhaps just a tad too short and slightly indecent -- but he looks so cute in it...

It's been quite a while since we've posted, and I can hardly believe Will is already 6 months old. The time has flown by and Christian and I feel like we just might be able to handle this having a kid thing after all. So, here are the stats you've all been waiting for:

Weight = 16 lbs. 12 oz.
Height = 25 1/2 inches
Head Circumference = 43 1/2 inches

Yes, he has inherited the famed Thompson noggin to hold all those brains! The doctor says he's coming along fine -- not quite able to sit up by himself yet, but he's found his hands and is working hard on holding anything he can and trying to get it in his mouth. He's definitely teething (evidenced by the fountains of drool and inconsolable schizo periods of crying mixed with giggles and smiles), but no teeth yet. It really is amazing how quickly they change at this stage.

Will's already a hit with the ladies -- the daycare women all love him, and say he's the happiest, most easy-going baby they've known (maybe they're just buttering us up to feel better about the whopping weekly payments). He's starting to get a little weary of strangers and has been pretty clingy with Mom as of late -- all things I hear are normal. He still prefers to play with people versus toys, but has started a lovely relationship with the Exersaucer. He already jumps like a mad-man in the Jumperoo.

We started giving Will some solid foods around 5 months -- he was starting to grab at our food on the table, and would watch you like a hawk if anything passed your lips. He also wants to try to drink any and all beverages you might be holding. We started with a little rice cereal -- nothing structure, just to get him used to eating from a spoon and new textures. At this point, we've just recently moved to 2 "meals" per day -- but he really still gets most of his sustenance from Mom's milk. His supper is usually sweet potatoes and rice cereal, but he also likes carrots. His breakfast (at daycare) is cereal and mashed bananas (which he loves). We're starting to think Mikey will eat just about anything we put in front of him -- definitely a Scheuer!