Friday, January 05, 2007

Welcome to 2007-- Year of the Will

Well, this blogging thing is a lot harder than we thought. Seems like we keep meaning to post more stuff, and then the days slip away. The good news is that we're taking a lot of pictures of Will (taking pix has never been our forte). Check the Picasa web site for the latest (just went up today). Will is 8 weeks today, and he's turning into quite a personality. We've seen our first genuine smiles, given several successful baths, and went out for our first dinner with Will in tow. Turns out Will really digs the local jazz/blues quartet at The Pourhouse (a TBurg bar/restaurant)... Who knew?!

On the sleeping front, Christian and I are taking turns at night with feedings (guess who gets the 3 AM gig) -- so we each get a relatively decent amount of sleep. The breast pump is my constant companion, so I also get up for a feeding and pump while Christian feeds Will. The whole pumping experience belongs in a separate Blog, but needless to say, I'm still at it for now. The good news is that Will is alert and awake more during the day (finally!), taking cat naps here and there in between frenzied eating every 2 hours (and sometimes every hour and a half!). And at night he's sleeping in 3-4 hour stretches, with one early AM feeding, but then likes to start his day pretty early (at least for us). That's 6 - 7 AM these days. ;-) But as we've come to realize -- the only constant with a baby is change. Every day is different, and once we think we have it figured out, he changes again. Guess we can look forward to this for the next 20 years or so...

The holidays were fun, with Mama Kate and Grandpa Dan coming up from VA for the celebration. The Thompsons joined us on Christmas Day for more presents and an early dinner. The big news is that we haven't had ANY snow here in upstate NY to speak of, and it's been in the 50s and 60s. Unheard of -- but I ain't complaining!

On a down note, it looks like Christian and I may not be fit as parents --- since we seem to have lost our daycare spot for Will. DOH! We took a bit too long to call references and get back to her, so Adios daycare. Hello no other infant spots coming up in February in ANY local in-home daycare providers. Guess we're going to have to get creative in the meantime. Not sure what that means for my work schedule, but Grandma Jean has offered 2 days a week until we can get something full time. Keep your fingers crossed!

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