Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You know you're a mom when...

It's Saturday morning, you're almost to the grocery store, babbling to your jolly toddler in the back seat, and you realize (was it when I stepped on the brake?) that you're wearing slippers. Not the pink fluffy kind (thank god), but still -- the beige Isotoner slip-ons from Wal-Mart kind. Slippers. And, you're too close to the store to turn back now (and didn't it take a momentus effort just to get everything loaded and ready and out the door before 10?), so you go shopping in your slippers.


And you wonder, looking down at them laughing to yourself, if this is what it really means to be a mom. This complete and total lack of caring what other people think anymore, since dammit, you're a mom and there are just things you HAVE to do no matter what!

Christian was almost in tears (from laughing) when I told him. He said (quite honestly I think), that it was a good thing he hadn't been the one to do it -- since his slippers ARE the fluffy kind (no, not pink).

1 comment:

  1. This makes me laugh. It's funny what you think is important once you become a mom. Happy Mother's Day!
