Saturday, March 29, 2008

Walk this way, talk this way...

Since time is flying by (can we almost be at 18 months already?), I thought this might be a good time to jot down some of the "words" Will is saying these days. He's now 16 months, and seems to really be getting into saying No in it's various forms... So, here's what we have so far:

  1. No -- As in, "Nonononono no!" when you touch his beloved Lamby-Lamb, or rest your head on one of his pillows, or touch anything that is his and he'd like to keep it that way, thanks. Or when he doesn't want to do something (of course).
  2. Uh oh -- He used to say this for fun, then to imitate us. Now, he says it in a very purposeful way, right before he's about to drop his cup/food/toy on the floor, or when we drop something.
  3. Momma, Mom / Dad-dee/Dad -- He really likes saying "Dad-teee," when he can clearly enunciate the second syllable. Momma isn't so popular these days, unless he's hungry/tired/sick/wants something... Go figure.
  4. Hi -- Usually, this comes when he's walking around the house pretending to talk on our phone (which, by the way, is his favorite thing to do). Now, he says this to us when he walks in the room for the first time.
  5. All done (or maybe Oh damn) -- We're not sure on this one, but we've been saying All Done during dinner for a while, and he seems to use it when he's finished doing something. But I swear sometimes, when he's playing, it sounds like the other version. And we never say this! Really!
  6. Ball -- He doesn't say this a lot, but lately we think his fascination with all types of (toy) balls has brought this out.
  7. Up -- Usually Will doesn't ever need to say this, since he just grunts/screams with his arms up in the air and we pretty much get it... But lately I've been trying to get him to say the word for it. He does it sometimes, but we know at least he can say it, if he wants.
  8. Night night -- I heard this one second-hand. Apparently, during nap time at daycare, Will likes to pop his head up out of the porta-crib and say "No night night." We've never heard this one, but I guess he knows better than to try to talk back to Mom and Dad!! ;-)

Other than talking, Will's favorite thing right now is walking. Walking everywhere, trying to run, and preferably heading down to the school playground to move gravel from one spot to another. We can't wait for Spring -- we'll be outside every chance we get (which is like paradise compared to being cooped up inside with an intrepid, whiny 16 month old who likes to say No!). Gee, maybe by June ... if we're lucky. Did I mention how much I love winters in upstate NY??

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